Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The road to Murfreysboro,TN

Tuesday morning we dropped off our load in Bloomington and then drove to Mankato,MN to pick up our next load destined for Tennessee.   The shipper was located on a very old building right on the riverfront in downtown Mankato.  Getting to the pick up point wasn't easy due to road construction and one way streets.  We had to back down an ancient alley in order to get to their docks.  Since the cargo was food related, the trailer we were hauling had to be inspected prior to loading.  This particular trailer failed the inspection due to cracks in the floor.  Luckily there was an empty Swift trailer on sight, so all we had to do was switch trailers
  After we were loaded, we started our way down south.  I saw another windmill farm in Minnesota.  I was driving so Ronnie took the picture for me.  I know.....enough with the windmills already......I just can't seem to.get over the fact that they are there.  They are huge! If you look at the latest picture you can get an inkling of just how big they are. Each one of the blades is around 100 feet long!  They lookn so.surreal sitting out in the middle of a cornfield.  They remind me of something Steven King would have patterned a character in his Gunslinger series after. OK, OK....I am done with the windmills......
Until I see some more of them.....
We took a.break and ate lunch in Iowa.  I knew Diane would get excited when I told her what town we ate lunch in.  I can now say that after hearing about the Methodist church camp at Clear Lake for our entire married life, that I have been to Clear Lake,  IA.  The rest of the trip south has been pretty uneventful,  so far.   We have just driven through Saint Louis City and are now on our way over to Effingham,IL.  We will pick up highway 57 going south there.....

Well it is time for this one to crawl back into the bunk for some sleep.  Ronnie will be driving the rest of the way into Murfeeesboro........That's all for now.....

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